multiple institutional (LCIA, ICC, SCC) and ad hoc arbitrations, acting for claimants or defendants, in disputes arising from breach of various contractual undertakings, including loan documentation, warranties and shareholders agreements
High Court proceedings for a global commodities trader in respect of various contractual disputes
acting for a consortium of private equity houses in High Court injunction proceedings arising from a breach of contract
acting for a UK subsidiary of a major Belgian financial group in respect of High Court proceedings, subsequent insolvency proceedings and related Serious Fraud Office investigation arising out of a high scale financial fraud
advising a UK building society in relation to a Serious Fraud Office investigation relating to allegations of market manipulation
advising a global investment bank on managing legal risks in relation to potential improper disclosure of insider information
advising a global media and telecoms holding on potential consequences of allegations of bribery by its former employees and senior management
advising a global bank on applicable anti-bribery legislation and managing bribery-related risks in respect of its operations in the Middle East
advising a public oil and gas company on management of bribery and corruption risks in respect of contemplated acquisitions of oil assets in Africa
advising clients on various EU sanctions regimes and related issues of liability management
routinely advising clients in respect of interpretation of contractual provisions, contractual rights, available recourse and potential liability arising from various forms of commercial agreements
advising a large public company on risks of and basis for severance of a senior executive operating overseas